Reconnect and Recharge in Paradise!
Personal and Group Transformational Retreats

Personal Healing Retreats
Date: Based on Your Schedule (and Your Budget)
Step into your Divine Love. Join us as we create a journey like no other!
What you will experience on this retreat:
- Heart Awakening
- A Shift in Perspective
- Opening to More Joy
- Transferring Limiting Beliefs
- More direction
- Mild excursions into nature
Divine Goddess Retreat
A Magical Retreat in Kauai, Hawaii
January 29 – February 4, 2023
Your Soul is Yearning to be FREE from the old paradigm struggles and to live a life in ALIGNMENT with your divine purpose and joy.
During your deeply healing week in Kauai with us, you will begin a re-birthing process where your inner goddess will finally begin to fully emerge. Allow yourself to be rejuvenated, get connected to your dreams, and rise into your sovereign goddess power.
What you will experience on this retreat:
- A Stronger Connection With Mother Nature
- An Activation of Your Goddess Power
- Relaxation and Exploration
- An Encounter With the Dolphins
- Goddess Celebration!
- Fun and Play!

Praise From Clients
Brita Mittag