About Us
Meet Jeanne Marie

Jeanne Marie Russell is has been on her own journey of Healing, Transformation and Illumination. She has always been a seeker of knowledge and higher levels of consciousness. Education and learning have always been important to her.
As her first love was teaching, she began her career teaching Mathematics to Middle School students in Brooklyn, New York and continued teaching when she moved to Hawaii. At Island School in Lihue, Hawaii, she was head of the Mathematics Department and taught everything from Calculus to Basic Mathematics. Two of her former students went on to attend MIT University.
Jeanne has her Master’s Degree in Statistics from New York University where she did her Master’s Thesis on “The Nursing Behavior of Beluga Whales” which was later published in Zoo Biology. During that time, we was gifted with witnessing the birth of a 1500 lb beluga calf at the New York Aquarium.
After working in her husband’s Oral Surgery office, she discovered the world of healing. To learn more, she took many classes, workshops and seminars on healing, intuition, the law of attraction, yoga, and other forms of conscious awareness.
Later Jeanne became certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner (ATP), Certified Yoga Nidra practitioner, Qi Gong Training with Master Hong Lui, Level 1 Hawaiian Energy Master and more! Of all these trainings, Jeanne feels that the dolphins are her greatest teachers and she is especially connected to their love, their joy and their playful spirit!
“The dolphins have taught me to Open my Heart and Surrender. Even when I am not with them, I can connect to their vibration and their Joy! They bring an Inner Peace and a Memory that We are all One!” Jeanne Russell
Jeanne’s vision of a Healing Center devoted to the Energy and Vibration of the Dolphin came to her one night while doing Reiki on her husband, David. David had a nerve injury on all four of his extremities. One beautiful evening on Kauai, while doing a Reiki Session on her husband, Jeanne felt the presence of dolphins surround her. She was filled with so much love that tears started to flow down her cheeks as she continued running energy on her husband. After the session, her husband jumped up from the table and exclaimed, “What did you do?” David remarked that he had never felt better. His problem subsided and he was cured of his afflictions. Ever since that time, Jeanne has connected with the love she felt from the dolphins and offers it to her clients while working with them in the ocean, on the Mermaid Table or one-on-one with her clients.